Illustration Exhibition 2019

The 20th Illustration Exhibition is being held at Akan International Tsuru Center. Students from kindergartens Continue reading Illustration Exhibition 2019
Kushiro City “Tancho” Red-Crowned Crane Protection Association
Activity of Kushiro City “Tancho” Red-Crowned Crane Protection Association, we introduce about the crown crane
The 20th Illustration Exhibition is being held at Akan International Tsuru Center. Students from kindergartens Continue reading Illustration Exhibition 2019
March 2nd, 2019 (Sat) 18:00-We will hold a cruise party at the red beret. Please see the following PDF file fo Continue reading We will hold the 2019 Sennen Festival and Tsurushutainam meeting!
The # 2 camera, which had been distributed before, can now be viewed more clearly near the biotope side. Pleas Continue reading Live camera has been renewed!